the gold-flecked tissues that support
sheets of 23 carat gold leaf.
my acrylics from the palette. I mixed them in a cup
with some flow medium and
painted dozens of
abstract 'leaf' forms to dry over night.
Then I flipped 'em over and
painted the reverse with pale acrylic washes
from the next-day's palette.
Here's a close-up of one:
They can be arranged as background collage elements
on paper or panel with gel medium.
Remember: they're acrylic and won't run.
I usually make sure the side with the gold is facing
up to sparkle.
HMMMMM; let's play with these twigs.
I dropped the image into Illustrator and fiddled with
the colors, contrast and rotation four times.
Here's another variation:
And here's a pattern made from four....
and my hands are still clean!
And another looking like Tapa cloth: