Friday, February 24, 2012


IF's word this week is

The man pictured above is capable
at his meditation though
distractions abound.

I drew this this morning in Painter 12.
I know the back pattern is spiritually incorrect
but I wanted something architectural
and exotic for his flooring.


  1. I LIKE this! Do you like Painter? I'm tempted to purchase it.

  2. Thanks, Kids! Yes, Ellen, Painter is great. Make sure you but one of Corel's versions that is not "student" grade. I bought version 12 when I was unable to upgrade my 'student version' 11.

  3. Definitely exotic and architectural. Nice line work!

  4. Painter 12 has a new 'mirror' / 'kaleidoscope' funnction. I clicked on 'mirror' to draw the symetrical figure and 'kaleidoscope' for the flower forms. Total coolness.

  5. Very interesting. I wouldn't be capable to stay focused in these distractions.

    Thanks for stopping by and your nice comment, even though I have no thumbnail. I certainly will the next time that I take part in IF.

    Have a great week.

  6. Really cool and interesting, like the rich pattern and the looseness.
